
Alla inlägg under juni 2015

Av Janni Haslestad - 29 juni 2015 20:02

Today I spent the day just hanging out whit my parents I tought we were going home today but we are going home from camp tomorrow morning.

So I have bin planing for my birthday party together whit my best friend saga. I know she is going too make it awesome birthday and I miss her a lot i just finished reading her blog and saw that she hasn't bin feeling so well leatly so I hope I can cheer her in when I see her. And I'm also planing the next time I'm gonna take her whit me to camp so we can hangout and take a lot of selfies like we always do ( saga I hope you feel better sone)

I just hade some Ice cream~ so yummy and I also went for a swim it was really nice and refreshing. But right now I just wanna go home and start making my birthday cake~

Av Janni Haslestad - 28 juni 2015 15:58

Yesterday I was at the beach whit my friends and we went swimming like 6 times. And Ida was mostly hanging out whit her boyfriend ( he was really nice and funny but his friend was.... Well let's not talk about him coz he wa a pain in the ass)
I played ball to whit Annie and was dead tired after al the swimming and playing . (And also after a girl that DOSENT like me for some reason. followed me around too be whit Ida so damn irritating. Like I get irritated just by hearing her breath if you know the feeling ) so yesterday I went too bed early ( and I never do that normally XD )

then today when I was going too go down to the beach whit Annie my bikini broke Dx now I will have too buy a new one and I really liked this one too dammit!

Right now I'm alone coz my friend da went home so I'm just waiting for my parents I think I'm gonna listen too some music and dance around a little.

Pic from last night at the beach it was so pretty~

Av Janni Haslestad - 27 juni 2015 09:49

So I got too go back too my caravan and sleep there alone this week (so happy)
I was watching horror movies Whit all my friends and had a sleepover. We also when're down too the beach it was really sunny and nice .

Yesterday my awesome friend Ida got here and she is sleeping at my place this weekend I missed her a lot so it's good too se her agin.

Selfie from when I took my friends cap hehe ( I like this cap XD )

Today I had a really hard time deciding what I was going too wear it wanted too just walk around in my long t-shirt but I don't wanna do that when I'm here on the camp .

Today Ida's boyfriend is coming over here it's gonna be fun too finally meet him . But right now Ida and I are going too go wake up are other friends so have a good day everyone~

Haha just had too coz Ida's boyfriend is coming over and I don't have a boyfriend so felling a little forever alone here~

Av Janni Haslestad - 23 juni 2015 20:31

I have had 3 awesome day whit my friends that I haven't seen for a year now coz we camp at the same place and don't se each other so much on the winter sadly. First we went swimming and then later we were hanging out in one of the guys caravan and I was up al night whit one of my guy friends we were watching horror movies and talking al night it was a lot of fun but today we were really tired after being up al night and then I had too go home today coz my mom said I couldn't stay there al alone in the caravan so long ( I'm still mad that I didn't get too stay there whit my friends we were having so much fun) but I will get too sleep In My caravan alone this weekend and I think I'm gonna watch some horror movies whit my friends I miss them already!!

Right now I'm just waiting for something good too start on the tv (okey we all know tht it's nothing good in the tv but what ever I still have tea ) and I might hang out whit saga tomorrow I'm gonna text that little stalker now and see if she wanna hang out whit me tomorrow

And I also got too cuddle whit this little cutie (I want her) but I have cats so I can't have her buuu cx

Av Janni Haslestad - 21 juni 2015 15:45

So I have bin a little lazy and not updated anything for some days now. My midsummer was okey sadly I couldn't celebrate if whit saga as we planed coz she was sick I hope she is better sone. So I spent my midsummer camping and talked too some oft summer friends and it was a lot of fun (and ofc I had a lot strawberries to eat I love strawberries)

And yesterday I spent the day watching Tokyo ghoul al day and Eating strawberries

Today I'm going camping whit my mom and dad agin in the rain so I will have too find some good anime too watch all day long and maybe I will buy some chocolate hehe~

Right now I'm just singing in the car like always (bet my parents love it)

And this is a pic from my favorite anime black butler~

Av Janni Haslestad - 19 juni 2015 04:05

So yesterday I went shopping and it was this really big sale on my favorite store so I bought some new cloths that I wanted that I saw when I was out shopping whit saga last week (and I might post some pics of me in one of my new shirt tomorrow ) and tomorrow saga is coming over too my place and celibrating midsummer whit me it's going too be so much fun and we might make a video for are YouTube . And ofc we are gonna eat strawberries and take a lot of selfies like always.

Pic of a flower I saw today when I was out picking some flowers for my mom.

And right now I'm sitting here watching movies like always I should really go too sleep now so goodnight but I think I will get some tea first hehehe

Av Janni Haslestad - 16 juni 2015 16:52

Okey so I spent this two days watching zombie movies inside coz I was too lazy to do anything.

I also started using whisper and I really like it I found some nice new internet friends that I chat whit and they are really funny to talk whit.

I had a lot of tea too like always coz I have a "little" the addition (I love chocolate tea )

Yesterday I got some hair dye and dyed my hair a little more red coz if was starting to fade and I'm super happy whit the color on my hair now but I'm too lazy too take a nice pic of it so booooo .

Tomorrow I'm going schooping I hope I can find some nice cloths and maybe some books (coz I'm a little nerd) and I might get some yummy chocolate too coz like chocolate is so goooooooood

Av Janni Haslestad - 14 juni 2015 11:16

This weekend saga and I were camping together we had a lot of fun in the beach swiming in the really warm water (okey it was not that warm) and then we decided too dry in the sun and we feel asleep and burned are baks so when we went swiming agin it hurt like a burning hell.....

This weekend we didn't take so manny selfies coz saga didn't have her makeup on but she tested her new blue lenses and the were really cute and she made me miss my ciel lenses that I left home this weekend

We spent the night watching are new favorite show stalker (it's just saga and her crush ) Ohhh and he stopped following her on Instagram now (that meaniiiii)

And right now we are sone going too eat some hamburger and pack all are things so we can go home and then next weekend we are gonna celebrate midsummer together and we might make a new video too are YouTube cx


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